This book highlights the role of libraries and archives in preserving the memory of official-language minority communities (OLMCs) and their contribution to the vitality of these communities, particularly that of their collective memory.
This reflection is based on three transversal axes. The first concerns documentary heritage's support for memorial vitality, and the efforts made by libraries and archives to promote and make accessible archives and support community memory. The second concerns the policies needed to support access and remove language barriers. The last concerns the state and development of collections, particularly OLMC representation.
The book is divided into two sections. The first, "Libraries: collections and policies in favor of linguistic minorities," presents various issues related to libraries serving minority language communities from a national and international perspective, while the second, "Archives for living communities," focuses on the contribution of community archives to the vitality of OLMCs from east to west across the country.
This book is published in French.