Open access

PUO-UOP is proud to support sustainable, free, access to scholarly research when financially sustainable.

In December 2009, the University of Ottawa announced its support for the Budapest Open Access Initiative and launched an open access (OA) program, which included a commitment to support PUO-UOP in the publishing of open access books, while the University of Ottawa Library developed an institutional repository and open access programs. 

As former University of Ottawa President and Vice-Chancellor Allan Rock wrote: “I am proud that our university is the first one in the country to introduce a comprehensive open access program. Canada’s university has become Canada’s Open Access University.” 

PUO-UOP Open access collection

The PUO-UOP open access collection comprises more than 100 freely accessible eBooks, including both backlist and frontlist titles. Our open access publications are available to read online or download free of charge in PDF format. 

The OA-PDF files of new releases available in open access are available upon publication.

While OA-PDF files are convenient, you may also wish to purchase a print copy or ePub copy on our online store or from your favourite bookstores. 

Copyright, permissions and licences

Open access titles published since 2014 are licenced based on a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives) licence. 

Under the Creative Commons licence, you can:

  • read and store this document free of charge;
  • distribute it for personal use free of charge;
  • print sections of the work for personal use;
  • read or perform parts of the work in a context where no financial transactions take place.

Under the Creative Commons licence, you may not:

  • gain financially from the work in any way;
  • sell the work or seek monies in relation to the distribution of the work;
  • use the work in any commercial activity of any kind;
  • profit a third party indirectly via use or distribution of the work;
  • distribute in or through a commercial body (with the exception of academic usage within educational institutions such as schools and universities);
  • reproduce, distribute, or store the cover image outside of its function as a cover of this work;
  • alter or build on the work outside of normal academic scholarship.

Cover Art: The artwork on the cover of this book is not open access and falls under traditional copyright provisions; it cannot be reproduced in any way without written permission of the artists and their agents. The cover can be displayed as a complete cover image for the purposes of publicizing this work, but the artwork cannot be extracted from the context of the cover of this specific work without breaching the artist’s copyright.

PUO-UOP acknowledges the wording around open access used by Australian publisher,, and the University of Calgary Press and thank them for giving us permission to adapt their wording to our policy 

Open access partners

Further reading