Edited by Ruth Panofsky
- Supplementary material
- Reviews and interviews
- Book review by Owen Percy: “A Little and A Lot” Queer Frontiers. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 224 (Spring 2015): 146-48 : “The Collected Poems of Miriam Waddington is a somewhat different animal; important, incredibly thorough, and meticulously presented, it is unquestionably a triumph of a scholar’s book, the kind you are unlikely to see on the beach or pulled from a backpack on the commute home. Split into two weighty volumes totalling 1,112 pages (with tight type and stretching margins straight from the University Press playbook), it is a testament to the scope of Waddington’s contribution to Canadian letters, and to Panofsky’s doggedness as an editor and researcher.”
- Book review by Goldie Morgentaler University of Lethbridge: Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes, vol. 23, 2015: “These two beautifully published and scrupulously edited volumes represent the first time that all of Miriam Waddington’s verse has been collected in one edition. (…) a major work of scholarship and retrieval. The Collected Poems of Miriam Waddington has just won the 2015 Prose Award in Literature, one of the American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence, an award that is richly deserved, given the level of scholarship, care and commitment that have gone into the publication of these two volumes.”
- Interview : “Dr. Ruth Panofsky: The story behind The Collected Poems of Miriam Waddington” (https://www.federationhss.ca/en/blog/dr-ruth-panofsky-story-behind-collected-poems-miriam-waddington)
- Book review by Owen Percy: “A Little and A Lot” Queer Frontiers. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 224 (Spring 2015): 146-48 : “The Collected Poems of Miriam Waddington is a somewhat different animal; important, incredibly thorough, and meticulously presented, it is unquestionably a triumph of a scholar’s book, the kind you are unlikely to see on the beach or pulled from a backpack on the commute home. Split into two weighty volumes totalling 1,112 pages (with tight type and stretching margins straight from the University Press playbook), it is a testament to the scope of Waddington’s contribution to Canadian letters, and to Panofsky’s doggedness as an editor and researcher.”
- Prix et nominations
- Rosa and the late David Finestone Canadian Jewish Studies Award for Best Book
- Canadian Jewish Literary Award, Yiddish Category
- PROSE Award, Literature
- Vine Awards for Canadian Jewish Literature (Poetry)
- Eric Hoffer Book Award