Emile Nelligan (Author)
Émile Nelligan, born on December 24, 1879 in Montreal and who passed on November 18, 1941 in the same city, was a Quebec poet influenced by the symbolist movement as well as by the great romantics. Suffering from schizophrenia, Nelligan was committed to a mental institution shortly before the age of twenty and remained there until his death. His work is therefore strictly speaking a work of youth. His poems, first published in newspapers and collective works, were first published in a collection by his friend Louis Dantin under the title Émile Nelligan et son œuvre (1904).
Fred Cogswell (Editor)
Fred Cogswell (1917-2004) was a professor of English at the University of New Brunswick and a graduate of the University of New Brunswick and Edinburgh. He is the translator of six works and collections of poetry and is himself the author of some twelve books of poems. He is represented in a score of anthologies and is well knwon as a critic, essayist, and reader. As the publisher and editor of Fiddlehead Poetry Books, he has been responsible for publishing more than 300 books of Canadian poetry. His The Poetry of Modern Quebec, an anthology of 20 major Quebec poets of four decades, was published by Harvest House in 1976.