Acadia, 1917. In an Acadian seaside village, where life unfolds through its seasons and its struggles, in its beauty and its harshness, Jean-Baptiste, on the cusp of manhood, and the beautiful Angelaine are madly in love.
Overnight, their world turns upside down. Orphaned in a time of war, distraught, the young man enlists in the Canadian army and leaves the shores of his native Acadia and his beloved behind.
He thinks about leaving for the front, but finds himself in the spectacular mountains of Franche-Comté, roughly chopping wood day after day.
Against the backdrop of the enormous and little-known efforts of the Canadian and Acadian soldiers during the First World War in Jura, Franche Comté, Acadissima uncovers the power of the love that unites two young Acadians, despite the war, the distance and the struggles of life.
Published in French.